Strategies to control hospital infections and tuberculosis in Tanzania

June 2015 - March 2017

Completed project

Strategies to control hospital infections and tuberculosis in Consolata Hospital Ikonda in Tanzania

The project "Strategies to control hospital infections and tuberculosis in Consolata Hospital Ikonda in Tanzania: training courses for a good clinical practice" ended in March 2017. The project was funded by CEI and realized in collaboration with the Consolata Hospital Ikonda.

The main goal of the project was to reduce the incidence and the mortality rate related to the hospital infections. The project aimed also to promote a correct treatment of tuberculosis patients of the Consolata Hospital Ikonda. In order to reach these objectives, training courses addressed to the local medical staff about the hand hygiene, the use of antibiotics, the isolation of patients with respiratory or contact diseases will organized;  workshops to implent specific therapeutic controls about the treatment of infectious diseases and tuberculosis were realized.

Beyond the educational courses, the project aims to acquire specific equipments for the antibiogram and the diagnosis of tuberculosis. In particular, two machines were purchased: the Genexpert which allows the diagnosis of tuberculosis and HIV infection, allowing the recognition of infected cases and their isolation; the BD Biomic, a machine that allows to direct medical therapies and limit the onset of the antibiotic-resistance phenomenon, useful for improving hospital medical-health practices.

In October 2015, the training course "Improvement of hand hygiene control" was launched in all departments with particular attention to the operating theatres. The training course, which involved hospital staff, was held by Dr. Gian Paolo Zara, volunteer doctor at the Consolata Hospital Ikonda, and by Dr. Paola Del Giacomo, resident in Infectious Diseases at Università Cattolica. During the course, the brochure on the hand washing procedure was distributed, which also includes the WHO guidelines on the subject; moreover, posters were posted in the places of greatest attendance and passage of the hospital with indications of the behavior to be followed in the hospital.

Wash your hands.Save a life

Hand Hygiene: Why, How & When?

In November 2015, the seminar entitled "Training courses on the isolation of contact pathologies" was organised. It was held by Dr. Katleen de Gaetano Donati, doctor specialized in Infectious Diseases at Policlinico Gemelli, and by Dr. Gian Paolo Zara. The seminar aimed to train hospital medical staff in more precise and rigorous techniques for isolating and diagnosing contact pathologies. To this end, the frontal lessons were supplemented by practical illustrations and aerosol devices were purchased for the detection of samples useful for diagnostics and mask kits in order to limit the exposure of hospital staff to patients suffering from respiratory diseases. At the end of the course, explanatory brochures were created on the use of masks and on the adequate collection of samples, hung in the waiting rooms and corridors of the hospital in order to raise awareness among patients and their families.

Infection control: Why, How & Who?

How to collect properly a sputum sample

Wakati wa kukohoa funika mdomo

The following training courses were organized in June 2016: "Greater control in the use of antibiotics" by Dr. Claudia Palazzolo, resident in infectious diseases at Università Cattolica, with the participation of almost 300 local health workers; "Implementation of specific therapeutic protocols for the treatment of infectious diseases" held by prof. Roberto Cauda and aimed at medical personnel. The realization of the courses was possible thanks to the collaboration of dr. Gian Paolo Zara who, in December 2016, held a workshop on the theme of "Prevention of surgical infections". The seminar, structured in two meetings, involved doctors and managers of both the operating room and surgery, for a total of 32 participants, and made reference to the WHO guidelines, starting from which the internal recommendations for the hospital.

The last of the seminars foreseen by the project was held in January 2017. The course had as its theme the "Therapeutic protocols for the treatment of tuberculosis" and was held by Dr. Katleen de Gaetano Donati. During the three meetings, the theme of the treatment of tuberculosis was explored with the intention of inducing the hospital's medical staff to transfer the theoretical notions learned during the course into medical practice.