Unicatt & Caritas Ambrosiana

Peace, social justice, sustainability: getting to know and experience today's challenges through solidarity



Peace, social justice, sustainability: getting to know and experience today's challenges through solidarity

Università Cattolica, through its University Centres, is promoting, in collaboration with Caritas Ambrosiana, an in-depth study on the themes of peace, social justice and sustainability. The proposal, which is part of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of Caritas Ambrosiana, responds to a twofold objective: to stimulate reflection on peace, social justice and sustainability with a multidisciplinary approach within the academic community, and to disseminate the reflections produced in order to bring the debate on these issues to citizens.

The project, entitled "Peace, Social Justice and Sustainability: Knowing and Experiencing Today's Challenges through Solidarity", will explore each topic in depth with a series of workshops held by some professors of the Università Cattolica in collaboration with Caritas Ambrosiana professionals. The workshops will be alternated with volunteer activities at the facilities and services promoted or connected to Caritas Ambrosiana in the Milan area. 

Programme and accession

The proposal offers three paths of in-depth study. 

1. workshop on the theme PEACE: migrations from countries in conflict

coordinated by Prof. Riccardo Redaelli and Prof. Camillo Regalia, in collaboration with the social workers of the Foreigners Area (Area Stranieri) di Caritas Ambrosiana. 
The volunteering activities will take place in the first reception centre "Casa Suraya", which hosts asylum seekers and refugee families and single women. Here the students will support the Centre with activities such as providing homework help and extracurricular opportunities for the guests.


2. workshop on the theme SOCIAL JUSTICE: severe adult marginalisation

coordinated by Prof. Elena Marta and Prof. Gianluca Varraso, in collaboration with the social workers of the Severe Adult Marginalization Area (Grave Emarginazione Adulta) and of the Prison and Justice (Carcere e Giustizia) of Caritas Ambrosiana.
The volunteering activities will take place at the "La Piazzetta" day Centre, which hosts homeless people by promoting workshop activities, and at the Family House managed by the Associazione Ciao, which hosts mothers (with their children) who have currently finished their sentence and are embarking on paths of autonomy.


3. workshop on the theme SUSTAINABILITY: integral ecology (in collaboration with ASA - Alta Scuola per l'Ambiente)

coordinated by Prof. Roberto Zoboli and Prof. Pierluigi Malavasi and the ASA team, in collaboration with operators of the Energy Poverty Area (Area Povertà Energetica) of ​​Caritas Ambrosiana and the social cooperative Vesti solidale.
The volunteering activities will take place at the Refettorio Ambrosiano, which prepares and distributes meals reflecting on the theme of waste and combining art and hospitality, and at the Associazione Nocetum, an agricultural cooperative that integrates an educational community into its activities.


Each pathway entails the participation to 3 classroom workshops and volunteer activities (3-4 half days) in the first semester of 2024.

At the end of the programme a video will be produced on each of the three themes and this will narrate the experience lived by the students in the classroom and at Caritas Ambrosiana services. The contributions will be presented at the anniversary celebration event of Caritas Ambrosiana in November/December 2024 and shared within the academic community and among citizens to stimulate their reflection on each of the three themes.

Participation in the initiative is open to students enrolled in a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree or Single-Cycle Degree course at the Milan campus of the Università Cattolica. 

There are 24 places available, 8 for each of the three themes listed above. To enrol, please send an email to cesi@unicatt.it attaching the enrolment form (available HERE). The subject of the email should be: "Unicatt and Caritas - registration NAME SURNAME". In the form you will have to indicate for which of the three paths you intend to apply.

Applications will be accepted on the basis of the order in which they are sent and in consideration of the Faculty of the applicant in order to guarantee the multidisciplinary nature of the initiative.


Adhesion to the programme

  • 13 March 2024: deadline for submitting applications

In-depth pathway
the calendar for the three pathways is currently being finalised

  • March - May 2024: cycle of workshops and experience in Caritas Ambrosiana services
  • March 2023: single workshop for all participants, to be carried out before the students start their activities in order to present Caritas Ambrosiana and introduce the volunteering experience
  • September - November 2024: realisation of the videos and broadcast of the contributions
  • November - December 2024: presentation of the video contributions at the 50th anniversary event of Caritas Ambrosiana.


Centro di Ateneo per la Solidarietà Internazionale
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

@: cesi@unicatt.it
tel: 02 7234 5218

Palazzo Lanzone 18, IV piano
Largo A. Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milano