Manifesto on an Inclusive University

Nel novembre 2019 anche l'Università Cattolica ha sottoscritto il Manifesto dell'Università Inclusiva promosso da UNHCR. Nato dalla consapevolezza che le esperienze culturali, tecniche e intellettuali, maturate dai rifugiati in varie parti del mondo, possano costituire una grande risorsa per l’Italia, il Manifesto pone al centro la condizione dei giovani titolari di protezione internazionale e temporanea che intendono proseguire il loro percorso di studi e ricerca nel Paese di asilo.

Read the manifesto here.

Facilitate refugees’ access to higher education and research, promote social integration and active participation in academic life

The principles of the manifesto

Schools and universities offer an important opportunity for young people fleeing violence and persecution, representing a fundamental step along their path of personal and professional fulfillment and social inclusion. (Credits @UNHCR).



Opportunities in Università Cattolica

The Ministry of the Interior, in agreement with the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane, CRUI) and in collaboration with the National Association of Bodies for the Right to University Education (l’Associazione Nazionale degli Organismi per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario, ANDISU), offers to students with international protection (with refugees status or beneficiaries of subsidiary protection, as well as with temporary protection for Ukrainian citizens) obtained by 26 August 2022 100 years of scholarships for the A.Y. 2022/23.

For more information consult the call in Italian or in English.

From the academic year 2018/2019 The ISTUD Foundation and Università Cattolica provide two scholarships to fully cover the costs for young people with refugee status or holders of subsidiary protection to participate in the 1st level University Master "Human Resources and Organization".

Further information available here.