HIV and other sexually transmitted infections prevention

February 2019

Ongoing project

Composite model of HIV prevention and of the other sexually transmitted infections in women, based on active community involvement, in a rural area near Gulu, Uganda

The project, promoted by the “Comboni Samaritans of Gulu” Helath Center and financed by the Committee for Charitable Interventions in favor of the Third World of the Italian Episcopal Conference, aims to foster some actions to contrast and reduce the incidence of sexually transmitted and HIV infections through the active involvement of women living in the rural area of Gulu in the management of their sexual and reproductive health.

The project activities include: the administration of a questionnaire with the scope to identify the spread of the most common risky sexual behavior; the distribution of tests to identify the infections presence, the organization of a training course that involves medical and paramedic personnel of the Good Samaritans medical center in Gulu and also the women involved in the project.

Press review

Project sheet