Far, but not distant

April 2021

Ongoing project

FAR, BUT NOT DISTANT. Università Cattolica for the Middle East

The project was born from the idea of ​​some professors and doctors of Università Cattolica, shared by CeSI, in response to the invitation by the Rector Prof. Franco Anelli on the occasion of the Centenary of Università Cattolica:

Thinking, planning and starting to build the future will be the great commitment of the year that awaits us, which we refuse to reduce to a season of mere emergency management, in which every other idea is set aside in a passive wait for events.

Despite the emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic and in line with the interventions carried out by CeSI, the project FAR, BUT NOT DISTANT. Università Cattolica for the Middle East was born starting from the first months of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, to be close to the most vulnerable populations, despite the distance.

In collaboration with Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli, IRCCS, the project goal is promoting training courses in the educational and medical-health fields in some Middle Eastern countries with the aim of strengthening the educational and medical-health skills of school and hospital staff and health centers in the Middle East through the enhancement of local expertise and the sharing of good practices.

STOP THE BLEED: how to save lifes
in collaboration with
Faculty of Nursing and Health Science, Bethlehem University

Università Cattolica, thorugh its Centre for International Solidarity, promotes a training meeting on the theme of first aid seminary on the as part of the "Far, but not distant. Università Cattolica for the Middle East" project. The meeting, organized in collaboration with Bethlehem University, includes a speech by prof. Maurizio Foco, Acute Care Surgery & Trauma Unit, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS and Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. he report of Prof. Foco entitled "Stop the bleed" was addressed to the students of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Science della Bethlehem University and concerned the first aid actions to be activated in case of bleeding. 

Here the flyer of the training meeting.

Freedom of religion and the mechanisms of the United Nations for the protection of human rights

The International Criminal Court and Human Rights

in collaboration with
Humanitarian Nineveh Relief Organization

The Humanitarian Nineveh Relief Organization (HNRO) launched in January 2019 a legal clinic in the subdistrict of Bartella in the Nineveh plain, in Iraq, which works to support local communities in order to promote the return to peaceful coexistence and counter the consequences of hatred, discrimination and of the intolerance that spread in Iraqi society during the years of occupation by ISIS.

First meeting, 14 May 2021

Series of seminars, November - December 2021

Training meetings, March 2022

Series of Seminars, May-June 2023

Training courses on the subject of autism

in collaboration with
Our Lady of Peace Center for Persons with Disabilities



The training intervention on issues related to autism envisaged two training opportunities, specifically one of a medical nature and the second aimed at rehabilitation therapists, parents, teachers and social workers.

The Our Lady of Peace Center for Persons with Disabilities, founded in 2004, provides free daily services in a welcoming environment for people with disabilities, regardless of religion, social or financial background. In addition to the main office in Amman, the Center operates in five other locations throughout Jordan and welcomes around two thousand people with disabilities each year. Our Lady of Peace Center for Persons with Disabilities aims to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities in Jordan, who make up 13% of the population, by spreading awareness of their rights and the duty to respect their dignity in Jordanian society Human.

First training meeting, 8 April 2021

Second training meeting, 15 April 2021