The Emergency Team (E-Team) is a group of professionals who support the President of the University Center for International Solidarity in making decisions on initiatives to be carried out in emergency or risk situations.
E-Team is composed of researchers from ITSTIME, Italian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues & Managing Emergencies, who collect and organize information, prepare reports and preliminary assessments for the creation of scenarios and procedures for the mitigation of the risk funge that are shared among the actors involved in the initiatives in question.
The task of E-Team, in particular, is:
- assess risk and threat scenarios affecting Cesi projects and activities;
- monitor the evolution of risk scenarios and the occurrence of emergency situations in the areas in which UC staff operate, in order to provide adequate information to support decision-making;
- implement the necessary information and training initiatives required by UC's safety process;
- assist UC in the development of practices for the safety and emergency management of expatriate personnel, also in relation to dedicated institutions.