CeSI, in collaboration with the “Julien Ries” Archive for symbolic Anthropology, promotes the lecture on the topic Religion and spiritual world in communist China, a discussion starting from the book by Fenggang Yang “Religion in China: Survival and Revival Under Communist Rule” (published in Italy by FrancoAngeli, Milano 2020).
Prof. Fenggang Yang, professor of Sociology and director of the Center on Religion and the Global East at the Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA), will be the guest of the lecture. The research interests of prof. Yang cover the sociology of religions, the evolution of religions in China and the religion of immigrants in the United States.
To sign up, please send an email to archivio.ries@unicatt.it. Info and event programme available in the poster.
Prof. Yang will also be the guest of the lecture Is China the New Roman Empire? Church-State Relations and Religious Freedom in Modernizing China, promoted by CeSI in collaboration with the Faculty of Political and social Sciences and the Pontifical Foundation Gravissimum Educationis.