Medicina e Morale. Rivista internazionale di Bioetica [Medicine and Morals, the International Magazine of Bioethics], promoted by the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC) through the University Centre of Bioethics and Sciences of Life and the Department of Security and Bioethics of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, is a magazine of a scientific nature. It deals with themes relating to bioethics both from the theoretical angle and in their application to the various fields of knowledge and to the numerous areas of concrete cases.
Launched by the Catholic Doctors of Turin, with the aim of reflecting upon medical-moral questions, the Magazine published its first issue in 1951, under the editorship of Father Agostino Gemelli (Rector of the UCSC), Peter Sisto (Professor of Special Pathology at Turin University) and Peter Swifts (Professor of Biological Chemistry at Milan University). From the first issue of 1955, the publisher “Vita e Pensiero” acquired the Magazine. In 1973 the magazine was reinforced with a strong contribution from the Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Angelo Fiori, a forensic scientist, became Chief Editor while the Editorial Committee and staff were expanded. In 1974, Prof. Elio Sgreccia began to collaborate with the magazine, subsequently becoming Editor alongside Prof. Fiori. The magazine extended its horizons, taking in bioethics. In 2015, Prof. Antonio G. Spagnolo, Director of the institute of Bioethics and Medical Humanities of the UCSC, was appointed Editor.
Medicina e Morale is listed in the “Fascia A Anvur” [Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research Systems Band A] for the following academic sectors: 11 / C1 – THEORETICAL PHILOSOPHY; 11 / C2 - LOGIC, HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE; 11 / C3 – MORAL PHILOSOPHY; 11 / C4 – AESTHETICS AND PHILOSOPHY OF LANGUAGES; 11 / C5 – HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY. Medicina e Morale is in the list of “ANVUR Scientific Magazines” for two areas: 12 – LEGAL SCIENCES and 14 – POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES.
The magazine is accredited in Italy and in other countries of the world and is present in many important Universities and Cultural Institutes.