In 2020 CeSI introduced some projects to be implemented in Italy, among the international cooperation and development activities of Università Cattolica. Some new partneships started from the awareness that cooperation for development cannot only be carried out abroad but, arising from common acrion, it also requires a strong commitmeent in the national dimension.
Università Cattolica, with Fondazone ISMU, the Italian NGO Tamat and some European Partners, will take part in the NEAR project, aiming at the promotion of social and work orientation of migrants in their period of arrive in Europe.
Through the partnership with the Italian NGO WeWorld Onlus, Università Cattolica joined the "EXPONI le tue idee!" project, firmly believing in the importance of educating new generations of students to solidarity and awareness on global issues. The project consists in a competition between students, with the aim of enriching the debate on the issues of climare change and environment protection and raising awareness. EXPONI in part of the European project "End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change" and of the European Commission's DEAR Programme.